THOUGHTS FOR 2021 - #nowletsgetmoving
With January coming to an end, we have well and truly moved into you now 2021. We know you might be a challenge at times this year but oh yes, we are ready for you in so many ways!
But first things first, let's move.
Movement is medicine. In a bizarre twist, whilst we all crave time out, holidays in exotic locations (dreaming of travel right now) and down time, we also crave routine because without routines we can suffer from stress, poor sleep and lack of motivation, amongst other symptoms. Yep you heard it here: routine and purpose go hand in hand. Sometimes it is hard to have the 'fire in the belly' to take those first steps to start moving, so some thoughts that I like to share when teaching pilates is that if the full meal of 'exercise' is too daunting to consume in a whole sitting - take an exercise snack instead. Little bites do add up.
Having an end goal or resolution is great... (get fitter, move more, try pilates, take 10,000 steps each day, drink 2 litres of water, eat healthier...etc. etc.) yet they can often be hefty goals. If the goal is too overwhelming, procrastination kicks in... but what if you just did 10-15 minutes of exercise three times per week? Drank an extra 2-3 glasses of water per day, and walked up the stairs or 1km each day?Now that's bite sizing-it and suddenly, those goals are manageable. Build up from there. It's a tried-and-tested way to stay the course. So perhaps revising your goals and starting small is the key to success in 2021. Little and often still gets you to your destination.
Another major motivational point for me is what to wear when I am exercising or working out or walking about. Call it vanity, call it comfort, call it pragmatism, call it confidence boosting - I feel more motivated to move when wearing the right workout wear. It let's me literally go with the flow. In fact, it's been studied that what you wear is a real confidence and self-esteem booster to workout, so there is certainly justification for a new activewear purchase at this time of year! If half the battle to motivate movement, according to several global studies, is what you are wearing (as well as sorting out your routine) then I say put your high-waisted leggings on with your favourite tank or t-shirt and let the motivation to move over take you. #nowletsgetmoving
It's true that building anything for success starts with a strong foundation. A couple of my favourite and key pieces to get me moving in the warmer weather consistently and sustainably are:
Here's to the ups and the downs, the twists and the turns of a New Year. Here's to all the possibilities at our feet and to taking them. To nibbling towards our goals bite by bite, slowly but surely. To moving our bodies. To loving ourselves. And above all, enjoying the ride.