🍒 December 2024/January 2025 - Festive Subscription 🍒
A combination of virtual live + on demand
Festive forearm planks and holiday hovers combine for two months of moving moments! Let's roll out your mat together and continue to build strength and stability in full body workouts.

Two months for active moments with a focus on moving more each day and importantly, within your range of comfort with Pilates .... virtually or on demand.
2 x virtual live classes each week, Monday and Wednesday* mornings 7:15 am AEST. *Except Wednesday 25 December & Wednesday 1 January 2025
1 x workout release for on-demand (or an additional virtual live class) each month
Full access to the existing on-demand library which currently has more than 65 workouts.
PROP-FREE | Duration | Image |
1. Slow, Steady, Stretch This is a slow and steady stretch class, with progressions, optional. There is a focus on single leg stretch, shoulder mobility with arm overhead reaches, abdominal and leg workout with our hundreds. Single leg lift and lower from an abdominal curl, side lying hip circles and internal rotation of the legs. Back extension and some deep stretching plus more. Enjoy. |
44 minutes |
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2. Pilates Foundations (a) This classic Pilates foundation workout is an excellent slow-yet-strong class and a great reminder of some of the fundamentals of this discipline. You will forward flex, extend rotate and laterally flex the spine. Inner thighs, abdominals, hamstrings and shoulders are given lots of attention too. Enjoy. |
43 minutes Good class to start with then follow with (b) |
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3. Pilates Strong, Classic (b) A slow & 'strong' Pilates workout moves through many of the classic pilates poses and a great one to follow on from the Pilates foundation class above (1). Using your own body weight you are able to lengthen and strengthen the entire body with flexion, extension and rotation through planks, side planks, hinges, hundreds (more like 150s!) with a lot of focused mid and lower abdominal work. Enjoy. |
41 minutes Good class to follow on after (a) |
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4. Pilates with Yoga Moves, Yogilates A slower workout that will focus the mind with intention to pay attention to your body. Breathe deeply into each pose, there are strong moments for focus with upper body rotations, half roll downs, rollovers plus more. Using your own body weight you are able to lengthen and strengthen the entire body with flexion, extension and rotation. Enjoy. |
43 minutes |
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5. Pilates Strong There are balance exercises that will ensure your focus is razor sharp. We will stretch the side body, inner thighs and do some wrist exercises adding a little of our own body weight for load (if appropriate). Forearm donkey kicks, whilst stretching the supporting leg will add challenge, without a doubt. Throw in some side forearm hip lifts, hinges and roll ups (and downs)… and you have just worked your entire body and should feel fantastic for it. Enjoy. |
42 minutes |
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6. Classic, Slow, Strong Flow This slower pace stretch classic Pilates class has some stronger progressions if you feel up to it. Using your own body weight you are able to lengthen and strengthen the entire body with forward and lateral flexion and extension through planks, side planks, swimming, single leg and double leg abdominal flows, plus many more. Enjoy. |
41 minutes |
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7. Slow and Steady Remember slow and steady workouts can be additionally challenging as we focus on position of the body versus rushing through the class. You will work at a slower pace across back extension, side stretches and leg work (outer and inner) and a strong abdominal focus with roll ups, leg circles and more. Enjoy. |
41 minutes |
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8. Pilates with Yoga Moves, Yogilates A hybrid stretch slow and strong Pilates with some yoga poses thrown in at the end, working your entire body with purpose. Having a slow and strong class encourages us to move to our end range. Breathe deeply into each pose, there are strong moments for focus on the obliques (and inner thighs) with double leg side lift and upper body rotations, abdominal focus with roll ups, leg circles and hamstring workout with hip rolls and back extension swan dive and rocking prep. Using your own body weight you are able to lengthen and strengthen the entire body with flexion, extension and rotation. Enjoy. |
41 minutes |
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9. Stretch This stretch class has you wanting for more (hopefully)! You will open the spine and breathe into upper body rotations and test your shoulder flexibility. I have thrown in some slow, low lunges for balance focus as well as challenging the lower abdominals with leg marches. In addition, testing coordination skills, both mind and body with opposite arm opposite leg. Enjoy. |
41 minutes |
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10. Slow & Progressed Classic This classic class is an all body workout. Starting slow then building. Using your own body weight you are able to lengthen and strengthen the entire body with a focus on hip openings through leg circles, hamstring extensions, hinges, hip flexor stretches and more. There are inner leg and abdominal poses too. Enjoy. |
40 minutes |
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11. Stretch This class has a strong focus on our inner thigh (adductor muscles). Using your own body weight you are able to lengthen and strengthen the entire body with a focus on inner and outer thighs, glute and hamstring connections, hinges and working through our hundreds with abdominal curls and single stretches to name a few. Enjoy. |
39 minutes |
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12. Slow stretch Do this when you are feeling the need to go slower with your moves and breathe deeply into each pose. Using your own body weight you are able to lengthen and strengthen the entire body with flexion, extension and rotation. Enjoy. |
39 minutes |
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13. Stretch, Slow, Strong This class has a focus on the side body with some shoulder capsular rotation work up front. This workout is slow and strong working your obliques and latissimus as well as hips with external and internal rotation (look out for the sparkling diamond clams!). There is no surprise that your abdominal muscles will get worked too with upper body rotations, toe taps, abdominal curls and single leg rotations. Enjoy. |
38 minutes |
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14. Strong workout (with floor sliders* at the end - optional) There are some challenging balance moments, with a lunge and single leg lift, it is easy to get a wobble up as you will see with me (always a WIP). This is a stronger class ending with cardio. Test yourself and see how engaged your abdominal muscles can be, particularly in our side leg lift. Enjoy each pose throughout this workout. Enjoy. |
38 minutes |
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15. Prop free Pilate with me This is a medium paced class with strong moments, the progressions are optional always and I point out the modifications for you as we go. For a heads up before you roll out the mat. I cover standing balance combined with triceps, heel raises, slow lunges (for focus), forearm planks, pikes, side hip lifts, side leg lifts, mermaid stretches, reverse plank, triceps, bicycle, abdominal curls, hip lifts, swan dives and of course we stretch. Enjoy. |
36 minutes | ![]() |
16. Prop Free Flow - Strong Don't be fooled by the slow pace, it's a strong one. For your workout pleasure there is a focus on heel lifts for balance, push ups, upper body rotations. We flex our body sideways as we lift and lower are legs and spice it up by some attempted knee to shoulder kissing. Half, full and side planks, hinges and stretches and some floor swimming to say hello to our back extensor muscles. Enjoy. |
33 minutes |
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17. Slow Deep Stretch This 33 minute prop free slow deep (and strong at times) stretch Pilates class has a hip focus. This workout is slow and quite strong with all types of hip moves, hip lift from seated zed legs, single leg side lift and lower, single leg hip roll, side flexion, hamstring stretch, scissors and oblique and abdominal work towards the end of the class. Enjoy. |
33 minutes | ![]() |
18. Pilates flow - Strong A strong abdominal focus to start with including abdominal curls, single leg marches from lying down position (supine), single leg rotation, lying twist and stretch. This follows with teaser prep, plank to pike and upper range donkey kicks. We move into side body work with leg lifts, side flexion (bends), upper body rotations, donkey kick and single leg kicks, pike and lunge. Roll like a ball, half roll downs are thrown in too. Trust me, there are stretches in between. Enjoy. |
30 minutes | ![]() |
19. High Intensity This 30 minute workout will get the heart rate up and a high possibility of a wet t-shirt by the time you have finished. This workout has more progressed poses including half plank, knee rotation, front and side plank to thread the needle, reverse plank and leg pull. Let's do this thing. Enjoy. |
30 minutes |
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20. Stretch & Balance This workout sees you starting tall with balance poses and the class moves through back extension, forward and side flexion & rotation. You have roll downs, push ups (full or half) and heel raises. Side lying with a focus on obliques, reverse planks. Followed by opposite arm, opposite leg work, abdominal curls, hinges and a few more movement moments that will challenge your hips, glutes and hamstrings. Enjoy.
29 minutes | ![]() |
21. Quick & Strong Stretch This prop free stretch Pilates class has a plank focus. This workout is slow and quite strong using your own body weight you will be moving through push ups (full or half), planks, pikes, leg lunges with thoracic rotations, quad stretches, and more planks and reverse planks (to truly bank your planks!). Followed by single leg stretches, abdominal curls, roll ups and side star planks to really add to your planking obsession!? Enjoy. |
28 minutes | ![]() |
22. Pilates with your socks!
A medium paced class which will challenge your hamstrings. What can you expect? Roll downs, heel lifts and calf raises. Hamstring curls from standing, which requires focus for balance, squats, half plank hover through to knee circles (with the socks). Progressing to forearm single leg lift and lower. Side work, further challenging the hamstrings, reaching the heel behind us and throwing in some internal rotation leg work for good measure.
Finishing off with hip lifts, back extension, a plank, roll up and you’re done! Enjoy. |
26 minutes | ![]() |
23. Slow Stretch. This Pilates workout is a great one if your time is limited and you want a more challenging workout. It works ankles, hips, obliques, shoulders and back extensor and flexor muscles and in 23 minutes you're ready to bounce! Enjoy. |
23 minutes |
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24. Quick & Classic Flow. A medium paced class. We start slow and build from single leg marches and stretches adding in abdominal curls. Single leg hip lifts and leg circles with a side serve of push ups from the side body. These are followed by upper range leg pulses, a strong one for the hips. Back to classics with half plank, full, side planks, knee hovers and some side and front flex stretches. Enjoy. |
23 minutes | ![]() |
25. Quick moves This workout is one to do when your time is limited. Using your own body weight you are able to lengthen and strengthen the entire body, get your heart rate up and maybe break a small sweat! Half, full, reverse and side planks, obliques and hip work. Let's move. Enjoy. |
15 minutes |
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WEIGHTS | Duration |
1. Pilates & weights - Strong This is a strong class where we load up and move. You will work through loaded squats, bicep curls, tricep lifts, lunge balance challenge (watch out for my wobble up!), half plank and full planks, half roll downs and roll ups, hip lifts, scissor arms and single leg stretch, side leg hover and thread the needle. To finish off with basic back extension, side flexion and some great stretch and breath moments. Enjoy. |
45 minutes | ![]() |
2. Strong Weight Moves A stronger class that you can make even stronger with heavier weights or adjust accordingly. However, try not to overload as you will compensate in other parts of the body, mainly neck and upper trapezius. A preview to let you know there are shoulder openings, standing balance challenge, lunge and tricep coordination and to double down on triceps we are in four point kneeling for opposite arm, opposite leg lifts. My favourite (hopefully firmly becoming yours too…) half roll downs.. and roll ups. Abdominal curls, single leg with chest press and single leg hip lifts, upper thoracic rotations and back extension work. Enjoy. |
42 minutes |
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3. Pilates with hand weights This workout adds load gradually to build strength. It is slower in pace yet aims to challenge shoulders, back, biceps, triceps as well as lats and abs. Ideal hand weights, 0.5kg, 1kg, 1.5kg or 2kg recommended. Enjoy. |
40 minutes |
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4. Load up, Weight time This Pilates and hand weights workout is a slow and strong class as we are adding load. You will work through back extension, forward flexion, working biceps, triceps as well as obliques through side stretch, hamstrings with hip lift, calves through planks and pikes and abdominal muscles through most of the workout. |
39 minutes | ![]() |
5. Pilates Slow Stretch A slower pace and focused workout where you can control the added load for progression with one or two weights. Working all key upper and lower muscles through roll downs, planks, biceps and triceps as well as hamstrings, glutes and abs. Ideal hand weights, 0.5kg (super light), 1kg (light), 1.5kg (medium) or 2kg-3kg plus (heavy). Your weight load is relative to your upper body and arm strength. Enjoy. |
39 minutes |
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6. Slow and strong A progressed load workout. Slow and strong with balance (potential wobble alert), back flexion and extension, biceps, triceps as well as obliques, hamstrings and abs. Ideal hand weights, 0.5kg (super light), 1kg (light), 1.5kg (medium) or 2kg-3kg plus (heavy). Your weight load is relative to your upper body and arm strength. Enjoy. |
39 minutes |
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7. High Intensity & Strong It's a hot workout where I have added weights from time to time. It is fast & progressed. Do this workout if you want to pump up the heart rate, yet also know your body feels comfortable across a range of poses. Working on side stretches and single leg lifts, abdominal curls with weights, bicep curls, side body work with hover clams, side planks and forearm rolls...just to mention a few. It will bring on a sweat as you bring your heart rate up. Remember to breathe! Ideal hand weights, 0.5kg (super light), 1kg (light), 1.5kg (medium) or 2kg-3kg plus (heavy). Your weight load is relative to your upper body and arm strength. Enjoy. |
37 minutes |
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8. Hybrid Pilates and Hand Weights Using 0.5kg, 1kg, 1.5kg or 2kg recommended you are able to lengthen and strengthen the entire body and take your workout up a notch by loading across bicep and tricep muscles; you'll change stability with lunges and work on your abductor muscles with shoulder openings. Obliques get a look in too with side crunches and spinal twist to name a few. Enjoy. |
36 minutes |
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9. Strong Pilates & Hand Weights You will work through standing balance with bicep curls, tricep lifts, lunge balance challenge, half roll downs and fire hydrants with load... to finish we are loading up our hip lifts too to challenge those glutes and hamstrings further. Then time to relax. Enjoy |
36 minutes | ![]() |
10. Load up, gather strength It's a stronger class where you can load up or down as you progress. |
35 minutes |
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11. Weights, Stretch, Go Reminder, you control the weights and not the other way around. |
30 minutes | ![]() |
12. Pilates with Weights Add load for a quick 30 minutes. This class is moderate to strong as we are adding load through our upper body rotations, forward and side flexion with single and double leg stretch. We are working biceps and triceps and ensuring the abdominals are the centre point. Lunge hovers, hip lifts, roll downs and side leg lifts are complimented with some plank holds. Enjoy. |
30 minutes | ![]() |
13. Pilates with Hand Weights Better together - the workout is made to add load and build strength. This mini workout gives you all the benefits. In 17 minutes (and a bit!) using hand weights, 0.5kg, 1kg, 1.5kg or 2kg recommended you are able to lengthen and strengthen the entire body and take your workout up a notch by loading. All body workout. Enjoy. |
17 minutes |
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RESISTANCE BAND | Duration | |
1. Resist the band. To prepare you. There is upper arm work, read triceps and biceps with some lunges and leg work thrown in. Also shoulder openings. Rowing, and single leg bicycle. You will hip lift into your band and do side body work challenging opposite forces with single arm and single leg and extensions as well as working our back extensor muscles. Enjoy. |
45 minutes |
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2. Pilates Slow Stretch Pilates stretch and resistance band workout uses opposing forces to build strength. The workout will challenge your balance, work your biceps, triceps and glutes through squats. Outer thighs get a challenged from the beginning with the standing exercises and continue with half plank knee openings, single and double leg stretch using opposite actions for stronger resistance. The workout is at a slower pace and do make sure you try the 'roll up to standing' challenge at the very end. Enjoy. |
39 minutes |
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3. Pilates Stretch with Band This class has a strong hip focus and one to do when you feel relief is needed. It has a slower yet strong pace also working shoulders, outer thighs and side body. Using your own body weight you are able to lengthen and strengthen the entire body with flexion, extension and rotation. Enjoy. |
36 minutes |
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4. Pilates with resistance (strong poses with Teaser) Opposites attract apparently. So it is with the use of a resistance band we challenge opposing forces, 'a push me pull you' if you will, where both arms and legs want to lead. |
34 minutes | ![]() |
5. Pilates with band (strong) Working with resistance builds strength and with the aid of a band supports you moving into some poses that, without our resistance band friend, might be more challenging. We are rowing, balancing, hovering, doing side lifts and working our end range through opposing stretches. No band snaps allowed! Enjoy this all body workout. |
33 minutes |
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6. Band Attack, Strong Class It's hard to resist the band. This Pilates and band flow has some stronger moves. Be prepared to 'single leg ride your bike' whilst moving through bicep curls at the same time, both on the back and side lying. There is a bit of hip lifting with and without the band; rowing, both standing, seated and single arm with thoracic rotations. You will challenge your hips and back extensor muscles as we lift out of our sit bones and reach overhead and behind us. Look out for the final challenge.. Let's go. |
32 minutes |
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PILATES BALL | Duration | |
1. Barre-Pilates Hybrid with Ball Mixing it up a bit here. Using the ball reminds us about our inner thigh and inner arm connection. Yes they are there and want to be loved! In place of a Pilates ball use a cushion or rolled up towel. Or do the workout prop free. This workout has half plank hovers, half roll downs, roll ups, internal leg rotation and back extension poses to name a few. Enjoy. |
41 minutes |
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2. Progressed & Strong This Pilates and ball workout is a progressed and stronger class. In place of a Pilates ball use a cushion or rolled up towel. Or do the workout prop free. This workout focuses on side body and inner thighs, abdominals through roll downs, curls and leg lifts, hip openings with hip rolls and inner arms, through adducted pulses. Enjoy this workout, focus on deep breathing and lengthen and strengthen your body at the same time. Roll with it! Enjoy. |
39 minutes |
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3. Pilates with the ball This workout has half planks, full and side planks, roll downs, single leg hip lifts and side body work to name a few. Enjoy this workout, focus on deep breathing and lengthen and strengthen your body at the same time. NB: this workout was recorded on my phone whilst doing a live workout, hence there are some name and prop call outs. Spot the name and spot the prop! |
37 minutes | ![]() |
4. A Band and Ball - strong This is not an abandoned ball workout... It is a band and ball workout. Starting with a balance challenge in Pilates 'V' standing on the ball. Knee taps, knee side twists with single arm lifts, hinges, half roll downs, hip lifts and side body work. Your back extensor muscles will be called on to lift your upper body, whilst stretching the band behind your back and squeezing the ball. There is a lot going in, with inner thighs in focus, heel lifts and abdominal work. |
34 minutes | ![]() |
5. Rolling with the ball There are a few strong moments, but definitely worth trying. Starting with the back extensor muscles, then layers with abdominal curls and single leg extension to challenge balance. The inner arms are not forgotten (cue - imagine breaking that ball in half)! There is side stretching whilst working inner thighs, adding on with side lying leg lifts, floating clams and diamond legs, both side and abdominal versions. We have four point kneeling, half plank hover, knee circles and a donkey kick and cat curl combo. Finishing off with some tricky ball balance ?! |
32 minutes | ![]() |
6. Pilates and ball strong
This workout is a progressed and slightly stronger class spent very close to the mat, i.e. no standing.
In place of a Pilates ball use a cushion, foam or cork yoga block or rolled up towel. Alternatively, consider doing the workout prop free. This workout focuses on side body and inner thighs, abdominals through progressed abdominal curls and leg lifts, hip openings and inner arms through adducted pulses. Enjoy. |
30 minutes |
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7. Pilates + Fit Ball Moves This workout is a well rounded one. NB: this ball (borrowed from a gym) needed a little more inflation, another 10-15% in my view. Tip: A slightly firmer ball is better for your workout. It gives you feedback more quickly. This workout has, wait for it, yes ….. loads of abdominal work. Plus push ups, ball coordination between hands and knees, inner thigh work, hip lifts where we are seriously working the hamstrings, single leg rotation to say hello again to those abdominals. Enjoy. |
29 minutes |
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8. Pilates with Mini Ball Limited time - Using the Pilates ball (or a cushion or rolled up towel) you are able to lengthen and strengthen the entire body, feel the beat of your heart and know your abdominal muscles really exist as we work them with roll ups, roll downs, leg work and the ball helps to remind us of the existence of our inner thigh muscles too! Let's roll. Enjoy. |
15 minutes |
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Duration |
1. Long & Strong A long and strong, slow and steady paced class which aims to add both support and resistance challenge to your workout. This workout focuses on inner thighs, inner arms with a particular focus on hamstring and glute work. There is a mix of hip lifts, push ups, roll ups and half roll downs, upper body rotations, teaser pose, back extension and more. Enjoy. |
45 minutes |
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2. Pilates with Chair (+ the magic circle for a bit too) Pairing up with Pilates and a chair workout. This has been created not as an opt-out-workout, but one that will work glutes (yep that would be squats), hamstrings (hip rolls), shoulder girdle (planks) and abdominals plus more. Using the magic circle takes it up a notch for inner arm and inner leg work - in essence a focused body workout. Enjoy. |
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3. Strong balance challenge
This is a strong and progressed class challenging both strength and balance. This workout focuses on inner thighs, inner arms, abdominals and helps to open the hamstrings. There is balance, planks, roll ups, half roll downs, leg and arm circles, side lifts and more. As you will see in my attempts, single leg balance with the ring requires focus, otherwise a wobble up can take over...the foundation leg needs to be your pillar of strength. Enjoy. |
38 minutes |
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4. Pilates with Magic Circle The Ring of Fire time. This is a slower paced class which aims to add both support and resistance challenge to your workout. Focusing on inner thighs, inner arms and helps to open the hamstrings. There is balance, push ups, roll ups, half roll downs, upper body rotations and more. Enjoy. |
33 minutes |
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5. Bring it in with the Ring This bliss of 32 minutes with the Magic Circle (Pilates ring) is a steady and strong paced (at times) class which aims to add both support and resistance challenge to your class. This workout has inner thighs and hips front and centre with roll downs to planks, roll ups to heel raises with balance. Inner arms get a look in too with magic circle pulses, straight back squats. We work the torso with rotations, half roll downs with arm variations, teaser pose, back extension and more. Enjoy |
32 Minutes | ![]() |
Duration |
1. Pilates with Chair (+ the magic circle for a bit too) Pairing up with Pilates and a chair workout. This has been created not as an opt-out-workout, but one that will work glutes (yep that would be squats), hamstrings (hip rolls), shoulder girdle (planks) and abdominals plus more. Using the magic circle takes it up a notch for inner arm and inner leg work - in essence a focused body workout. Enjoy. |
42 minutes |
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2. Assisted Challenge For those of us who sit down a lot (most of us), this workout shows us what we can do with the humble chair in addition to sitting on it! Working hip flexors and extensors, quadriceps and calves whilst challenging our balance. Planks, half planks on hands and forearms. Squats and side body rotation. Hip lifts and single leg lift and lower challenging the glutes to ensure our hips are lifted evenly. Enjoy. |
39 minutes |
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3. Chair & Balance challenge The Pilates and chair workout has been created not as a lazy-sit-down-kinda-workout, but one that will challenge balance, hip flexors, back extensors abdominal muscles - in essence an all over focused body workout. Enjoy. |
37 minutes |
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4. All Chair + All Body This Pilates and chair workout puts the humble chair front and centre of your new home Pilates studio. The chair is a fantastic prop and is ready and waiting for you anytime you wish to take a moment out of your day to use for more than sitting on... This is an all body workout with some call outs for hips, glutes, upper thoracic rotations and hamstrings. |
30 minutes | ![]() |
5. There is a 'chair in there'! This Pilates and chair workout can be a balancing act at times! The utilitarian chair cannot be ignored and is a great prop that is more useful than you may think... This is an all body workout with some call outs for hips, glutes, calves, upper thoracic and hamstrings. You will thread the needle and cat & cow standing, heel raises, single leg lift and lower and donkey kicks. For stronger progressions both reverse and full plank from the chair (or modified suggestion is from the mat directly), squats, side lunges and knee hovers. Oh and yes, we do stretch! Enjoy. |
34 minutes | ![]() |
Things to know:-
You will receive a confirmation of your order and the Zoom link to the live virtual classes and links to your on demand classes.
- A mat (or workout on carpet, a rug or a heavy weighted towel)
- There are resistance band, chair, ball, magic circle and weight workouts, in addition to prop free. You can use a light yoga block in place of a pilates ball (or a rolled up towel or cushion for some of the poses).
The practice is suitable for all ages and stages and you can (a) opt to progress when cued; (b) stay where you are; or (c) give it a go and then regress to initial move or; (d) all of the above.
Remember - take a break anytime, the session is about careful and mindful movement. Always protect your body and work within your range of movement. Any niggles, stop what you're doing and correct, I'll instruct body set up and position throughout the class.
Important - If you have any pre-existing injuries or unsure if you should be doing these virtual classes please consult your physician and send an email with your contraindications to: melinda@morebody.com.au and morebodypilates@gmail.com
Disclaimer: By participating in any class provided by Melinda O'Rourke (the Instructor) you consent to, and agree to release the Instructor from liability according to, these terms. Unless the Instructor notifies you otherwise, this waiver and release will apply to all classes undertaken by you with the Instructor. Click here to review detailed Waiver.
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